the way I reacted was: "leik WtFz?? (O.o)" It was awesome randomly!! Love it
the way I reacted was: "leik WtFz?? (O.o)" It was awesome randomly!! Love it
"Hahaa?" That's exactly the reaction I was going for! I screened this in a bar on Tuesday and the whole place was silent and kind of worried... then they clapped... a bit. :3
Why are you ruin madness and mustaches?? -.- i dont fucking even know why this get pass but i feel it has something to do with u or ure friends that put 5/5 for the movie, and im sure they got like 10 accounts to so they rise ure score... in my opinion its really pathetic, why dont you just try to do some real madness and keep up the Clock Rising btw, but put some effort inte it..
hahaha how the fuck do u make that gore teach me ;) well anyway it was really good xD and a bit epic haha a flash of it own :P good job
just draw things dying for 18 or so years, and you'll eventually get the hang of it! Thanks for watchin!
it was good, a great piece of work i give u an 4/5 for this, i enjoyed it... ;) well can u tell me where u did get the sprites?? :P
I got them from www.panelmonkey.org Thanks for enjoygin the movie :D
Awsome Improvement....
You only being better and better. so i have one thing to ask if u can answer, my movie Alex the Samurai. can u check it out and tell me what u think. and if u want i need some animation help and stuff if u wanna take ure time to learn me some of your abilities... cya later Good Movie, Good Serie.....
MSN: Sebastra@comhem.se (if u wanna add me :P)
Thanks for the review! :)
Hey man
Why dont u make an full movie of this it would be great, and i love ure zombies and other bloody characters, like Kitten Apocalypse, please tell me how u do :D
dead rain is the better zombie movie, so just sit tight for the new dead rain episodes, they will be much better than a zombie panic series would be.
Nice work
im gonna start on resident evil too but im not found any backgrounds can u help me E-mail me ok :D
O.O I never thought I get a review after awhile, sure I'll help you
Straight Outta Scandinavia
Age 33, Male
Joined on 7/19/04