well the movie would have been better if it was teh sheriff in the end, becaus he died in MC 3 becaus every other character have been revived i think the sheriff would be revived too :P
Great as usual
well the movie would have been better if it was teh sheriff in the end, becaus he died in MC 3 becaus every other character have been revived i think the sheriff would be revived too :P
Great as usual
it was good, a great piece of work i give u an 4/5 for this, i enjoyed it... ;) well can u tell me where u did get the sprites?? :P
I got them from Thanks for enjoygin the movie :D
nice idea but...
i odnt think ure the type to creat madenss, at least not now u need faster move (frames per second = FPS) and u need some more skills the zombies arent good when they are tinted green u have to paint them green :/ well if u work harder and looks some movies and try to animate better then u can be better. bye
Deathprogram It was atleast good for u that it pass judgement ^^
Very nice flash
Very nice kinda cool to see somethign like this, becaus its not everyday ^^ k34p 4p d4h g00d work :P
Awsome Improvement....
You only being better and better. so i have one thing to ask if u can answer, my movie Alex the Samurai. can u check it out and tell me what u think. and if u want i need some animation help and stuff if u wanna take ure time to learn me some of your abilities... cya later Good Movie, Good Serie.....
MSN: (if u wanna add me :P)
Thanks for the review! :)
Overall Score 8
i got sometihng to say... Cool and where did u get the sounds SFX?? please tell me :P
needs work
It needs work but its kinda nice anyway well i hope u learn alot about anmimation until ure next one i did so my second episode of Alex the samurai is going to be better ^^
good but u can do it better i know that, i hope this get pass ^^
Yeah Pretty Good!
for your first ty at madness style, well done
Straight Outta Scandinavia
Age 33, Male
Joined on 7/19/04